Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Thanks Gals for all your great comments. i will from time to time pop in to you blogs and have a read! You all do such great work I love to catch up on what everyone is doing.

Today was such a wipeout I was sick last night with a headahce and anyone that know me knows that O'm on a gluten free diet as it was more thank likely some thing I ate. But any way I was able to get my latest BTP project completed yesterday, but seen as my angel of a daughter left my camera down at Tess's i can not take any photo's til I get the camera back in the post hopefully that will be tomorrow, I will post photo's as soon as I can!

So glad school is back now I have time to scrap and know at home to bother me while I'm in the zone...don't get me wron g I love having my angel home but why do they have to ask for something or they just have to be somewhere when you have just started a LO or BTP project!!!!

Anyway here is my latest LO I did the other day. The photo was taken at forest Lake picnic on the 23rd Dec 2005!

1 comment:

Michelle G said...

Loooove your acetate letters!!!! They look sooooo groovy!!!!
Keep em coming I want more!!!!!
Thanks for all your lovely comments too Peta!!! They are very much appreciated!!!!