Friday, January 12, 2007

8 Weeks to go until I'm .....

a married woman again!!!!!!

I can't beleive that it is only 8 weeks out from the wedding!!!! And for those that are going it is only 4 weeks til the wicked hen's weekend .......

Have you all got Your outfit DON"T forget the theme Black Red & White !!!!! dresses or top and Skirt...Personally i thingk it will be nice to dress up. If you have any ideas for games feel free to plan one or email me with Ideas

On another note I will be off line from monday night so if you need to contact me the mobile number will bethe best number to get me on as we are.........

************Moving house*********

I have no idea yet when i will be back on line but i do hope that it will not be to long as I still have a lot of wedding stuff to do and wedding emails are starting to flood in with final arrangements!!!!

So for now it's good bye from the mad house shoe box at Bald Hills

Remember scrap and play nicely