Saturday, June 02, 2007

Been too busy to Blog

Wow I can't believe that another month has passed & Winter is finally decided to arrive!!! I would rather it be cold than stinking hot....although I don't like having to get out of bed at 5am when it is cold. Work has been busy with 6 new staff in training, but that is for the best as now we will have the staff to handle the amount of calls we get in a day. Anyway enough of that boring stuff ......on the scrapping front I have been busy visiting a forum in the USA ...thanks to Alicia Barry for the link and invite. The Site is if you join please make sure you let them know that I sent you. The girls are great and the site is wonderful there a few aussies on there thanks to Alicia. I have been completing a LO a week with Alicia's Page Plan Challenges & I even managed to come 3rd last week tied with a fellow US scrapper. Here is the Lo & card I completed for the 3rd .

I know this is a very short but sweet post but I am tired and have a crop to go to in the morning even though for this crop i do not have to leave the house i need to be up early as it is 2 croppin couzins 1st birthday online crop and I have completed all the challenges so far and I really want to finish this crop with them I had so much fun this morning.

So good night til next time