Sunday, December 10, 2006

just a quick update.......

Just thought I would give you all an update!

First of all wedding plans....

We have found our shoes for the wedding and as the dresses will be ankle length we really needed shoes that were exactly the right colour and this was no easy feet...just ask Sharyn. We looked in every shoe shop we saw and as we all know when you are looking for just the right item you can never find true! Travis and I were going to to see the jeweler about my wedding ring on thursday night and we walked past a shoe shop and my eyes scanned and I saw shoes just the right colour!!!! So I called Shaz & we decided that we would look on saturday. Well that was all good but then I saw MY Navy Shoes which I had not seen anywhere, so Travis says fine get them now! SO Shaz bought hers on saturday and I picked up Angela & we went and bought hers today that is all done now!!!

The next thing on my list is to get Travis into a menswear shop to try on a suit for him! I have seen a few that I like but getting him in to a shop is another thing!

Why do men hate shopping???????

On the scrapping front the only things I have been doing are things for the wedding up until today. I started altering the coat racks for my great-niece's for xmas pressie! they are almost finish and whent hey are I promise to post photo's of them here.

Anyway this is just a quite note to let you all know that I have not forgotten my blog.

Remember play & scrap nicely & Merry Christmas to all!!!!



Theresa (Tess) Schirmer said...

Glad you have the shoes. I know that would have been a chore to find matching ones. Your colours are gorgeous though Peta. As for getting trav to the shops, his big brother is no good at it either (their mum used to get their stuff a bit) I want dave to go and get some clothes but no every week "he cant find the time" LOL. Anyway looking forward to doing my bit with the boxes soon, let me know when you want to get them done or post them down with a sample and i will get into it.

talk soon


Anonymous said...

Nice to see you back Peta. Glad things are goign well.

Jeepie said...

Not long now for the wedding. What an exciting time. I want to get married again just for the party and the frocks..or am i getting confused with Melbourne cup..LOL. Will talk soon wafter christmas when things settle down